Parallel Sorting on GPU: Part 2
This is the closing sequel to the first part and dedicated to
- the derivation of an iterative form of the Batcher’s Odd-Even Mergesort algorithm;
- implementing it with a GPU shader;
- a little of benchmarks for fun.
Theory preparation
Reminder from the first post
The GPU’s computation model drastically differs from the CPU one. In simplest terms, we have magnitutes more workers (cores) organized in multiple disjoint local groups. The best (but pretty utopian) way of utilizing this model is to move the data to all of them and let them process it independently (or as locally as possible), because communication between workers from different groups is quite expensive and is able to offset the entire potential speedup from using GPU compared to CPU. What’s even more expensive is transferring data between computer memory (RAM) and GPU memory (DRAM).
We’ll discuss how to make the previously discussed sorting network algorithm non-recursive to distribute computations between GPU cores effectively.
Straightforward recursive implementation
For the sake of consistency with other descriptions of this algorithm, we will use the following naming:
- sort(a) sorts a
- merge(a) sorts a assuming that the left and right halves are sorted
Let’s begin with a simple implementation that directly follows the algorithm as it was described in the first part. I’ll use a Python snippet because this language is expressive and fairly easy to read.
This implementation doesn’t change the passed array a, building a new one instead. As it’s memory consuming and can’t be efficiently projected into a non-recursive form, let’s get rid of explicit memory allocations first.
Transition to in-place form
To make the rest of this article easier to grasp, we’ll rewrite the described above snippet to not create copies of the array. In order to do it, we’ll transform and pass the state of the recursion.
First, consider merge: at the very top level it has a continuous fragment of the array a. At the second level it indexes two slices [a[0], a[2], …] and [a[1], a[3], …], which can be expressed with a start index (0 or 1) and step 2. Similarly, for the third layer the step is going to be 4 and indexes are 0, 2, 1 and 3. We also need to know the size of the current slice to be able to know where it ends, which decreases by half when going down the recursion.
For sort, we always have continuous fragment, thus it’s only necessary to know the start position and the size of it.
To sort a, we need to call sort(a, 0, len(a)). Below is an illustration of the call stack, in which the numbers represent the order of execution, combined into independent layers. cas is an abbreviation for compare_and_swap and the calls for the fragments of size 2 are squashed into the merge which called it.
Example of an iterative form
Let's take a look at the recursion upside down (looking at the latest illustration) and first shape an intuition.
Consider an array of size 8. We can split the whole computation into the following stages:
- At the lowest level we have pairs (a[0], a[1]), (a[2], a[3]), …, (a[n-2], a[n-1]), which are simply being ordered with compare_and_swap.
- Next, merge is being run for the continuous groups of size 4, which runs merge for odd and even subgroups of size 2, after which it orders consecutive pairs starting from the second element.
- Then, likewise, merge is being run for the only continuous group of size 8 (the whole array). It calls merge for odd and even subgroups of size 4, each of which call merge for “odd-odd”, “odd-even”, “even-odd” and “even-even” subgroups.
Below is a colorful image that illustrates the described process. If we order the connected elements row-by-row, we’ll end up with a sorted array.
Deriving an iterative form in general case
Now, let’s get our hands 👐 dirty.
From the recursive in-place form we know, that each top-level call of merge function starts from stride=1 between the consecutive elements and doubles it when descending to the odd and even subgroups.
Since we know the stride, what’s left is to find out if a specific index is the left one in some pair. If it’s i, then the right one would be i + stride. Notice that after descending to the odd/even subgroup, we can normalize its indices by bitwise shifting one bit to the right (e.g. [0, 2, 4, …] or [1, 3, 5, …] would become [0, 1, 2, …]). Let’s name the normalized index as i_loc Then, since we know the size of the groups (let it be size), the predicate that determines if i is the left index for size >= 4 is the following:
There’s left a special case, when size = 2, when we only have two elements, which should be compared. An index is the left one if the normalized index is even:
Here is a diagram for an array of size 16 that can be meditated on:
The full working implementation is located at It’s written with C++, Vulkan API and GLSL for the GPU compute shader.
Non-recursive implementation
What if the size of the array is not a power of two? In this case we can pad it to the right with ∞ (infinity) value to the nearest power of two and crop it after the sorting. So we would pass [a[0], a[1], …, a[n-1], ∞, …, ∞].
However, we can do without using extra memory. Let our algorithm just behave like there is an infinity value at all positions greater than n-1 and do nothing in case of an upcoming comparison of values at those positions.
I’ve implemented it to run on GPU as a GLSL shader run once for each layer of computations, which is compiled to SPIR-V binary intermediate language and later utilized by Vulkan API.
In the following code the following predefined variables will be used:
- n is the size of the whole array
- stride is the space between the elements, as described in previous sections
- stride_trailing_zeros is log2(stride) (defined to replace i / stride operation with bitwise shift for optimization purposes)
- inner_reminder is 0 for size=2 and 1 else
- inner_last_idx is size-1 (defined to replace i % size operation with bitwise and)
Now let’s take a look at the shader orchestration process which is rewritten in a pseudocodish manner (the real one in C++ is more intimidating and can be looked up at the repo).
In reality a combination of PARALLEL_FOR and RUN_SHADER is a dispatch process, that will send the constants to the GPU and spawn multiple local groups of workers. I’ve chosen the size of these local groups of 256 since it was empirically measured to produce the fastest computations.
The sorting will be performed in $O(log^2(n))$ steps that will only vary in a set of predefined constants, but run the same shader. At each step, every index is paired with some other, which’s being uniquely calculated. It’s nice that there’s no data communication between GPU workers.
Since it wouldn’t be fair to compare such a parallel algorithm directly to the CPU implementation, let’s generate a large array, sort it with std::sort and with our hand-crafted sorting algorithm on GPU and compare the results.
Tech specs:
- CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 2400G
- GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070
The speedup is approximately 11.2x.